HIS HOLINESS THE 14TH DALAI LAMA Personal Identity Design

Personal Mark Precious Orb

パーソナルマーク は、芸術に昇華する。
ダライ・ラマ法王猊下のパーソナルマークは、 目には見えない、法王猊下の内なる肖像、 貌をマークとしてデザインしている。私は、さらに パーソナルマークを立体化し、漆蒔絵で 芸術作品へと昇華させたのである。それは、漆 蒔絵の数千年の歴史においても、類を 見ない細さの木地を造形し、漆と蒔絵で磨き、 金地で仕上げ、伊勢神宮の御神宝を製作 する工芸と漆の匠と、一年をかけ、ダライ・ラマ 法王猊下のパーソナルマーク立体彫像を 完成させた。それは、世界最高峰の日本の伝統 技法をも進化させ、マーク、デザインを芸術の 極地へと高めたのである。
2010年11月11日、広島市文化交流会館で、 2千人の観客が見守る中、法王猊下へ パーソナルマークを献上。法王猊下の「ベリー モダン!」という言葉が会場中に響き渡った。

The Personal Mark Shall Be Elevated to Art
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s Per- sonal Mark is the portrait of His Holiness’s inner identity, designed as an invisible form of his spirit. I have created it as a three- dimensional sculpture and used Japa- nese lacquer art techniques to elevate the design to Art. It took a whole year to complete a three-dimensional Personal Mark statue for His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, working with a master lacquer artisan who produces sacred treasures of Ise Grand Shrine. The work is the most intricate piece you have ever seen, even in a few thousand years of lacquer art history; then, with lacquer art being applied, it was fin- ished up with gold-inlaid lacquer polishing. This work ultimately evolutionized the quality of Japanese traditional techniques, which are the finest in the world, and ele- vated Personal Mark design to Art.
On November 11, 2010, at the Hiroshima City Cultural Exchange Hall, the work was presented to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in front of an audience of thousands. “Very modern!” His Holiness said, his voice echoing throughout the entire hall.


ダライ・ラマ法王猊下のパーソナルマークは Dalai Lamaのdから象られている。 それは金色の光により、陰陽に再現された 宝珠なのである。

Precious Orb of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama 
The Personal Mark of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama is symbolized by “d,” the initial of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. It is a precious orb created with the cosmic dual forces of yin and yang rising within the divine glow of gold.

Personal Mark Basic Design

Japanese lacquer art with gold maki-e finish

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
Personal Identity Design

Personal Mark Precious Orb
Creative Direction Hiromi Inayoshi
Art Direction Hiromi Inayoshi
Design Hiromi Inayoshi

Art Direction Hiromi Inayoshi
Design Hiromi Inayoshi
Craftwork Chuzo Tozawa
Lacquerwork Hideya Sogame and others
Photography Shigeru Tanaka
Produced by Hiromi Inayoshi Hiroko Kawahara
Cooperation Shoyu Yoshida Head Priest Miyajima Daisho-in Temple